Dipartimento Unità per l'Efficienza Energetica
Agrenzia Nazionale Efficienza Energetica

GREENROAD “Growing Energy Efficiency Through National Roundtables addresses”

Logo del progetto GREENROAD

Data inizio: 01/09/2020

Data fine: 28/02/2024

Azione di coordinamento e supporto finanziata dal Programma Europeo HORIZON 2020 Energy (2021-2023)

Persona di contatto:

Edoardo Pandolfi (DUEE-SPS-MPE),


Greenroad aims at facilitating the dialogue between Italian public and private key actors on financing issues related to energy efficiency in the existing and new buildings sector and fostering collaboration, innovation and action through the establishment of a permanent national roundtable and connected events at local level. The project will set up a national roundtable with selected high level stakeholders in order to allow an in-depth discussion about current barriers and market failures, as well as share best practice and innovative financing solutions, with the goal to improve stakeholders’ awareness and knowledge and to identify the necessary political and regulatory framework. In parallel, local events and initiatives will be organized to engage as many stakeholders as possible, enabling capacity building, dissemination, replication activities and scale up of “success stories”: local actors are one of the main drivers of the energy transition and they bring forward tremendous opportunities for investment and innovation in a number of fields. National roundtables and local events will be organized in order to trigger a continuous and mutually reinforcing virtuous circle. The combination of a top-down and bottom-up approach will create the conditions for the development of tailormade support tools and instruments for the different stakeholders involved. The outcomes of the national roundtables and the local events will be analyzed, and a roadmap for PAs and industry sector including strategic and operative recommendations for the implementation of financial instruments will be elaborated.

Il Dipartimento Unità Efficienza Energetica (DUEE) svolge il ruolo di "Agenzia Nazionale per l'Efficienza Energetica" assegnato a ENEA dal D.lgs. n. 115/2008 e intende essere il riferimento nazionale in tema di efficienza energetica nei confronti della Pubblica Amministrazione (centrale e locale), dei cittadini, delle imprese e più in generale del territorio, rendendo disponibili metodologie e soluzioni innovative nonché svolgendo attività di supporto tecnico-scientifico per l’uso efficiente dell’energia, la riduzione dei consumi energetici e l’ottimizzazione dei processi, con forte attenzione alla qualità e alla responsabilità sociale delle scelte operate.
