Progetti Internazionali
GuarantEE "Energy Efficiency with Performance Guarantees in Private and Public Sector"
Azione di coordinamento e supporto finanziata dal programma Europeo H2020 Energy (2016-2019)
Persona di contatto
Giulia Centi (DUEE-SPS-ESU)
Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is a proven model for modernizing mostly public buildings by ESCOs with guaranteed energy and cost savings. Nevertheless, a broad roll-out of EPC is being prevented mainly because of two unresolved issues: the split incentives dilemma and the lack of adequately flexible contract models. The guarantEE project addressed prevailing barriers to EPC in a team of 14 experienced partners, covering large parts of Europe in a mix of advanced and emerging ESCO markets. Based on a concise market analysis, guarantEE developed innovative business and financing models addressing and overcoming the split incentives dilemma in performance based ESCO projects. The target groups were public and – especially in advanced EPC markets – private sector clients. The developed models were applied in 33 pilot projects involving private and public building owners. The project achieved 78 GWh PE and 18000 tCO2 savings per year and triggered investments of >11 M€. Broad dissemination activities, including the European Energy Service Award, maximized the project visibility.